Today’s young people have extraordinary potential and the resilience to overcome life’s challenges. At Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota, we create opportunities for youth to thrive, fostering a safe and supportive environment where they can grow, dream, and simply be kids. With caring mentors and transformative programs, we help young people build the confidence, skills, and determination to make positive choices and embrace bright futures.
As one of the nation’s fastest-growing youth service organizations, Boys & Girls Clubs engage over 4 million young people annually, spanning grades K-12. With a focus on those who need us most, we provide comprehensive youth development programs that nurture leadership, responsibility, and a strong sense of community.
When you invest in Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota, you are investing in the leaders, innovators, and change makers of tomorrow. Together, we can ensure every child has the tools they need to succeed and contribute to a brighter future for our community and our nation. The rewards of this investment are shared by everyone, especially the young people who are transforming challenges into triumphs.
Join us in building great futures. Your support makes all the difference.
Ways to Give:
Donations can be made to the Boys & Girls Club in a variety of ways, including:
A fund of contributions from individual donors who support the mission Boys and Girls Clubs
Goods or services to direct service or administrative needs. Our wish list includes the following:
- Board Games: we can always use board games and card games for youth in grades K-12! Get creative. New board games are always being launched.
- Art Supplies: each of our sites provides arts & crafts programs on a daily basis. We can always use crayons, markers, art paper, construction paper, water colors, craft paint, canvases, brushes, beads, fabric, thread and other crafting supplies.
- Sports Equipment: basketballs, volleyballs, dodgeballs, 4-square balls, baseballs, tennis balls, soccer balls, jump ropes, chalk, floor hockey sticks and pucks, pickle balls, etc.
- Imaginative Play: our kids love to play with Barbies, doll houses, costumes, trucks, Legos, play kitchen supplies, etc.
- Education Enhancements: we can use school supplies to ensure our kids have the tools they need in school and at the Clubs, including loose leaf paper, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, glue, scissors, calculators, books for K-12th graders, etc.
- Technology: we can use laptops, tablets, computers and printers for our programs. Gently used technology donations go through simple approval process.
- PPE: hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, disinfectant, etc.
- Personal hygiene: toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, menstrual products, etc.
These items are always needed to replace used equipment and to maintain quality programs at the Boys & Girls Clubs and KIDSTOP sites. Thank you for supporting our community’s young people.
Planned Giving is a highly personal way to invest in the future. By developing a thorough estate plan with your financial advisor or attorney, you can reduce the overall tax burden of your estate while providing a lasting legacy for Central Minnesota’s children.
At the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota, we welcome the opportunity to discuss your plans with you and your financial advisors. We also have literature available that outlines the major types of planned giving vehicles and the financial advantages each can offer within an overall estate plan. We invite you to become a member of our Great Futures Legacy Circle, a special group of donors who are giving shape to their dreams for Central Minnesota’s future generations through endowments, estate gifts and bequests.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota is helping today’s youth develop strong decision-making skills and a sense of direction and purpose. These vital skills will enable youth to make intelligent decisions as they begin to identify more strongly with their peers than with other adults in their lives. The goal-setting skills, behavior habits and attitudes they develop at this juncture will determine their success in school and ultimately in life.
The professionally trained staff of the Boys & Girls Club provides positive programs to facilitate youth in their development and help them make appropriate and satisfying choices. Partners for the Future is an opportunity for members of our community to help the Boys & Girls Club achieve our mission to empower all youth to reach their full potential.
Read more about our Partners for the Future sponsorship program here.
When you shop AmazonSmile, a portion of your purchase price can be donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota. Simply click on our special link Amazon Smile BGCMN link. Or, on your first visit to AmazonSmile (, please select Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota as the charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. They will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation.
Thank you for giving!