Boys & Girls Club Staff Spotlight: Raija Layne

I started with the Boys & Girls Club in 2015 as a Youth Development Staff while I was still in high school. Between then and now, I have worked in a variety of positions as a Nursing Assistant, Corrections Officer and a Mental Health Professional. I am so excited to be back with the Club as a Site Manager. I enjoy working at KIDSTOP because I get to watch the youth in our community grow. They teach me something new every day, and I get to teach them new things. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and getting outside. We have two dogs: Rosie and Gemma.

Favorite Food: Tacos, Alfredo, & Seafood
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Movie: 8 Seconds
Favorite Sports Team: MN Wild
Favorite Hobby: Hunting, Fishing & Camping
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
